siūlo 50GB vietos iOS savininkams

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Sumaniųjų telefonų gamintojas HTC pranešė apie bendradarbiavimą su Dropbox kompanija ir teigia, jog nuo šiol visi HTC Android telefonai bus parduodami su įdiegta Dropbox programėle.HTC įrenginiai Dropbox serveriuose gaus 5 GB talpą, t. y. net 3 GB daugiau nei paprasti Dropbox vartotojai. Visa tai nemokamai.

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iOS users, if you haven’t got your free 50GB from yet, hurry up and do so. A couple of weeks ago, announced that any iOS user that logs into the Box app from an iOS device will get 50GB of storage, for life. The promotion will only last 50 days, and about 14 of those have already passed, so not much time left for getting this hefty amount of free storage. is a cloud content management platform, similar to Dropbox, which lets you store, access and share content online and across devices. The company does offer a free option, which usually includes only 5GB of storage, with a 25MB limit on file size upload.

Užsiregistravau ir gavau savo 50 GB vietos debesyje. Kolkas negaliu pasakyti kas geriau dropbox, kurį iki šiol sėkmingai naudojau ir galiu drąsiai rekomenduoti, ar, kuris suteikia žymiai daugiau vietos.

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